About Us
The most Desired Destination for All Mental Health Needs.
Why Choose Athma Hospital?
Improving health within hospitals and beyond, Athma Hospitals serves as a specialty hospital in the state of Tamil Nadu since 1993. Developing programs and partnerships focused on wellness and access to care, the hospital stands as the hope in the region for psychiatric illnesses, child and adolescent psychiatric issues, de-addiction, and other mental health crisis.
Located strategically in Tiruchirappalli, which is easily accessible from all districts of Tamil Nadu, it provides exceptional care for helping children and adults of all ages who suffer from the mental, emotional, relationship, or learning problems.
Under the able guidance of the Managing Director, Dr. K. Ramakrishnan, the reputed team of professionals at Athma Hospitals, includes Dr. N. Arunkumar, the Medical Director, Dr. M.Sridhar, the Director, Dr. M. Rajaram, Dr. M. Ajoy, Dr. Nandha Kumar, Dr. S. Sathya and Dr. M. Muthu Vidhu Bala.
With the skilled and dedicated workforce under the most experienced Psychiatrists, the service of the nursing staff is the hallmark of the Athma Hospitals. Psychiatric service is considered to be the most challenging of all services. At Athma Hospitals, Psychiatric nursing is well equipped with much inner strength apart from the standard nursing skills. The nursing staffs of Athma Hospitals possess abundant patience and care to meet the challenges of the service. To meet the mental health needs of the community, the institution responds through regular outreach programs with positive approaches to mental health promotion and prevention of mental illnesses. Apart from that, being aware of the mental health illiteracy among the masses, the outreach programmes also include identification of the patients and counselling their parents.

Experienced doctors. The way of treatment and approach is good. Well, maintenance and cleanliness. Best place for psychiatric patients. -Edu Akshaya


Experienced Psychiatrists
Your mind is the most important asset. Extract yourself to the best professional in this field.

Personalized Treatment
We try hard to understand you and ensure you is individualized and best in practice.

Quality and Safety
We assure all our clients about the best evidence based, ethical, empathetic care and our teams are trained thoroughly to assist in any kind of situation.

Immediate Service
Athma assures personalized care. Your time at the hospital is minimal and your service delivered to your satisfaction. All emergencies will be attended immediately round the clock (24/7). Call 0431 2 555 666. 7 901 901 901
Our team of psychiatrists is well qualified and experienced with proven success rate. We constantly update with the latest therapeutic modes, innovations and implement. Athma hospitals is one of the very few hospitals with all the state of the art equipments needed for psychiatry.
Athma hospitals has taken serious safety measures. We take top priority for patient safety, material & fire safety. Our hospital is well recognized for our safety standards.
All the case files since January 29, 1993 till date are documented & kept both as hard copy and digital platform through an exclusive and customized software. The consultant can give opinion from anyplace. The files are maintained in strict confidentiality & security. Now we have moved to paperless record maintenance.
One of the reasons for our success can be attributed to our 24 Hours service. We also have well trained staffs and ambulance to bring patients from any lace of Tamilnadu those who are unmanageable, violent, disruptive, suicidal, who refuse to come to hospital as per the norms of National Mental Health Act 2019.